Message from Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Pakistan Day (23rd March 2024)

I extend my heartfelt felicitations to Pakistanis at home and abroad on ‘Pakistan Day.’ The 23rd March marks a momentous day in our history. It was on this day in 1940 that the Muslims of Sub-Continent passed the historic ‘Pakistan Resolution’ and demanded a separate homeland where they could freely live their own way of life according to the principles of Islam. Through a consistent and dedicated political struggle of our founding fathers, the dream of a separate homeland for Muslims of South Asia became a reality and Pakistan appeared on the map of the world on 14th August 1947.

Our forefathers made untiring efforts and rendered exemplary sacrifices for Pakistan. Millions of Muslims left their homes in India and decided to migrate to Pakistan. The new State faced unprecedented challenges including creating a social and economic foundation, settlement of refugees, creation of State institutions, and meagre resources.  However, under the inspiring leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and with the resilience and dedication of the nation, those daunting challenges faced by the nascent State were addressed and a foundation for an independent democratic state was laid down.

In our journey on the path of democracy, the people of Pakistan elected their representatives in the general elections held on 8 February and consequently Governments have been formed at the Federal and Provincial levels. We are completely cognizant of the serious challenges confronting Pakistan currently including inflation, unemployment, circular debt, fiscal and trade deficit, and above all the growing scourge of terrorism. However, as a nation we have proved to be resilient in the face of extraordinary circumstances and stood the test of time. I can assure you that we stand committed to put Pakistan on the path to economic recovery and prosperity with a cogent policy reform framework.  I hope that these measures will bring economic stability and the current wave of high inflation will recede, bringing respite for our citizens.

On this day, let us renew our firm resolve to follow the footsteps of our founding fathers to make Pakistan a trivet of peace, progress and stability. Let us not forget that our actions today will define the legacy of our generation and shape the course of history. Let us work for a Pakistan that is not driven apart by differences but is united around shared values.

Pakistan Paindabad!

Asif Ali Zardari President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Message on the occasion of Pakistan Day i.e., 23rd March 2024)

On this auspicious occasion of Pakistan Day, I extend heartfelt greetings and best wishes to each one of you. Today, as we commemorate the historic passage of the Pakistan Resolution on 23rd March 1940, a day that laid the foundation for the creation of our beloved nation and an independent homeland, let us reflect on our journey, celebrate our achievements, and reaffirm our commitment to a prosperous and united Pakistan.

As we revisit the pages of history, we are reminded of the vision and determination of our forefathers. The Pakistan Resolution of 1940 marked a crucial turning point, setting the course for the establishment of Pakistan on 14th August 1947. Today, we honour the commitment and sacrifices made by the Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and his companions, who worked tirelessly towards transforming Allama Dr Muhammad Iqbal's dream into reality.

The journey since our independence has been marked by significant achievements across various domains. Our armed forces, civil administration, police, and law enforcement agencies have, with unwavering commitment, ensured the safety, security, and sovereignty of our nation. Their triumphant role in the two-decade-long war against terrorism, rapid response to the call of duty in times of natural disasters, and contribution to peacekeeping missions worldwide stand out as our unflinching commitment to global peace and peaceful coexistence.

Let us also recognize the unparalleled sacrifices of our Kashmiri brethren, both during the Pakistan Movement and in the ongoing struggle for the freedom of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK). The people of IIOJK are enduring the worst form of repression and state-sponsored terrorism at the hands of Indian occupation forces, aggravated by the Hindutva agenda, exemplified by the unilateral revocation of Article 370 and 35A. The key to durable peace in South Asia is the resolution of the dispute in accordance with the United Nations Security Council Resolutions. Pakistan, on its part, stands committed to extending all kinds of moral and diplomatic support until the oppressed people get their right to self-determination.

Similarly, Pakistan is deeply concerned over the indiscriminate killing of innocent Palestinians and persistent attacks on educational institutions and hospitals by the Israeli Defence Forces. Pakistan remains steadfast in its principled support for the establishment of an independent, viable, and contiguous state of Palestine, based on the pre-1967 borders, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

In the spirit of Pakistan Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to democracy, justice, and equality. I urge each one of you to participate in the nation-building process actively; embracing the values of hard work, integrity, and compassion. Together, united, we shall overcome obstacles and chart a course towards a better and brighter future for our beloved Pakistan.

Pakistan Zindabad!

May Allah bless the Islamic Republic of Pakistan!

Message from the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, on 'Youm-e-Istehsal' (5th August 2024)

The people and Government of Pakistan are observing the ‘Youm-e-Istehsal’, today. This somber occasion reminds us of the grave consequences of India’s illegal actions of 5 August 2019 vis-à-vis Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

On 5 August 2019, India took a series of steps to consolidate its occupation of lIOJK. Ever since, India has been trying to convince the world that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of its territory. However, international law, historical facts, moral principles and the situation on the ground deny India’s baseless claims.

Today, in IIOJK, efforts are being made to silence the genuine leadership of the Kashmiri people and muzzle the media. The number of political prisoners remain in thousands, while 14 political organizations have been outlawed.

Harassment of innocent people, arbitrary detentions, and the so-called ‘cordon and search operations’ have become a matter of routine. The Indian forces are operating with impunity, accorded to them under different draconian laws.

I, however, salute the indomitable courage of the Kashmiri people that has enabled them to withstand every Indian attempt to subjugate them. There is no doubt that India’s coercive methods have failed to diminish their yearning for the realization of their inalienable right to self-determination.

History has proven, time and again, that durable peace in South Asia remains contingent upon the settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. In the interest of lasting peace and security in South Asia, India must move from dispute denial to dispute resolution.

The international community must urge India to halt its egregious human rights violations in IIOJK; reverse its unilateral and illegal actions of 5 August 2019; repeal the draconian laws; and implement the UN Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan will continue to extend its strong moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people till the realization of their inalienable right to self-determination.

Message from the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar, on 'Youm-e-Istehsal' (5th August 2024)

The Jammu and Kashmir dispute is one of the oldest unresolved international disputes. It has been on the agenda of the UN Security Council since 1948. The UN Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir affirm the right of the Kashmiri people to self-determination. Unfortunately, these resolutions have not been implemented despite lapse of over seven decades.

In the last 77 years, India has tried different methods to perpetuate its illegal rule on Jammu and Kashmir. However, an intensified campaign to ‘Indianize’ Kashmir, and transform Kashmiris into a disempowered community in their own land, has been in full swing since 5 August 2019. The Indian authorities have taken a number of steps, aimed at altering the demographic structure and political landscape of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

These measures include gerrymandering of the electoral constituencies, allowing addition of non-Kashmiris to electoral rolls, issuance of domicile certificates to outsiders, and introduction of new laws on ownership of land and property.

India is also denying the Kashmiri people their fundamental rights and freedoms. To crush dissent, the Indian authorities have created an environment of fear and intimidation in IIOJK, with the number of political prisoners being in thousands. The UN human rights machinery and a large number of independent observers have already expressed concerns about different facets of the dismal human rights situation in IIOJK.

India’s actions of 5 August 2019, and the subsequent steps ever since, constitute a breach of the UN Charter, UN Security Council resolutions, and international law, including 4th Geneva Convention. In the eyes of international law, any process, subservient to the Indian Constitution, cannot be invoked to determine the final status of Jammu and Kashmir, which is an internationally-recognized disputed territory. India will have to fulfill its obligations to the UN Security Council by granting the Kashmiri people their lawful and inalienable right to self-determination.

For its part, Pakistan will continue to extend all possible support to the people of IIOJK for the fullest realization of their legitimate rights. There is no doubt that durable peace and stability in South Asia can be achieved only through peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.


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